“GotIncite gets valuable insights from your customers and how they really feel about your services”

Building Long-Lasting Relationships & Customer Satisfaction

GotIncite is a software management tool that helps you and your organization obtains feedback via an app or computer browser. Not only will you have access to sending surveys, but you can customize them with ease. Strategically gear your questions to fit your organization's essential goals and strengthen your user's experience. When utilizing GotIncite, your organization builds strong relationships with your employees, students, or customers.


Data-Driven & Robust Results

GotIncite is your feedback solution that gathers genuine feedback and opinions from your targeted audience.

Engagement is a Growth Driver for Your Organization

Use our real-time data and insights to enhance the user experience and usability of your app.

Benefits of Using GotIncite


Real-time, in-app, and online client feedback


Better understanding the needs of your client


Access to an advanced platform that makes sending surveys easy


Analyze your customer's results

Evaluate What Works & What Needs Improvement

The GotIncite's advanced platform makes connecting with your targeted audience a breeze. Questions are easily generated to fit your organization's biggest goals. Based on the responses received for your selected audience, you can re-word and change the outline of your surveys.

GotIncite is designed to be the most efficient survey platform on the market.

Your Clients

Utilizing GotIncite gives your audience a voice. By opening up a communication line, your organization will let the audience know that their opinion matters.

Brand Management

Build and strengthen your brand reputation by engaging with your targeted audience. When clients know that they have a feedback platform that they can utilize, trust begins to build. Also, monitor your brand's reputation and growth in the competitive market by attaining feedback from your targeted audience.

Our brand management surveys deliver tailored experiences to your targeted audience and boost the revenue for your business.

Benefits of Using Brand Management Surveys


Establish a competitive edge for your company.


Generate more positive experiences by learning what is and isn't working


Measure the success of your marketing, advertising, and digital campaigns

Enhance Brand Awareness

Use GotIncite to create brand management surveys that can help your targeted audience understand your business's brand value. These surveys can also help you gather demographics like language, age, gender, and interests. GotIncite will help your organization figure out what the target audience of your business truly is.

Test Brand Loyalty

Create surveys that will let you know how your audience feels about your business. By utilizing GotIncite, you're letting your audience know that their opinions are valued.

Unite the processes

Use the feedback received to analyze the impact of different business operations.

Employee Engagement

What is Important to Your Employees

Sending surveys to your employees is a crucial part of a thriving work environment. A healthy organization starts with the people within it. Your organization is always improving, but are you improving in areas that matter to your employees? With GotIncite, you will have authentic feedback from people that keep your business running day today.

Bring Your Workforce Together

With the help of GotIncite's surveys, you will be able to gather your employees' genuine opinions and work on improving the operations of your business.

Benefits of Using Employee - Based Surveys


Recognizing the roadblocks to employees productivity and efficiency


Manage the recruiting, training, and onboarding of your employees


Know EXACTLY how your employees are feeling

Value Your Employees Opinions

You have the option to prepare the survey in a way that will help improve your employee's work experience. Strengthen different departments and work on the feedback received to build unity among the employees. By utilizing GotIncite, you are letting your team know that you are listening.

Boost Employee Productivity

Establish a work environment that motivates your employees at work. Know their thoughts on what is working within your organization and what could use improvement.

“We get valuable insights from the customers and how they really feel about your services".


+1 801 259 4800

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1881 Traverse Parkway,

Ste. E #253, Lehi,

UT - 84043, U.S.A.

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